Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Diffrent Opinion within Pakatan Rakyat

Karpal Singh was responding to Kuala Selangor's PAS MP's statement on Islamic State, saying "PAS do not hold any reason to announce Malaysia to become an Islamic State soon neither it wasn't an understanding within the coalition parties of PAKATAN". Karpal Singh ( before this) also has lambasted Awang Hadi on Islamic state. The so called Pakatan of DAP, PKR and PAS having a different views and understanding of the Islamic State.
Before March 8, 2008, I remembered one of the political speech by a prominent PAS Leader saying 'Malaysia is a multi racial, ethnical, cultural and religious country. We cannot impose any rule of law to others, spefically Islamic law on non Malays neither to make this country to become an Islamic country because of the plural society'. What has been said before is not been followed by the oppositions but within the PAKATAN itself they dont have the sharing vision neither basic understanding ! Its like they had the marriage of convenient before March 8, and now they will divorce very soon. BUT why we as voters to be victimised ?
THINK Rasionally for betterment of others too!

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